Showing 1-3 of 3 results

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Epic College of Technology offers a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management. This program spans over 1 year and provides students with knowledge about various concepts and approaches to project management. With the help of this diploma, students will gain a thorough knowledge of Project Management concepts including project design,…

Instrumentation and Controls Technologist
Program Overview Download our Instrumentation and Control Diploma brochure The Instrumentation and Controls Postgraduate Diploma Program builds a solid understanding of the best engineering practices in instrumentation, controls and networking technology. Instruments and process control systems are used in the industry to measure and control variables such as pressure, flow,…

Electrical Power Distribution Technology
Program Overview Download our Electrical Power Distribution Diploma brochure The Electrical Power Distribution program provides a comprehensive overview of the power distribution systems that are used in industrial, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. This program covers aspects of the distribution system, protection, distribution automation and independent power generation. It also focuses on…