Showing 1-9 of 49 results

Career Counselling
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of career development and the role of the career counselor. The course is designed to examine theories of career development and decision making, sources of occupational information and methods of career counseling, assessment and program…

Soft Skills
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES This program mainly covers technical qualification and career oriented skills, which help the students or professionals to acquire competence to secure jobs in their related jobs profile. In this Soft Skills program modules like comprising of Personality Development, Interview facing techniques etc. along with Communicative…

Programming in Python
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES This course is designed to teach students Python general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. The general objective of this short course is to provide sufficient knowledge on Python programming language to help students to develop their skills for careers in various professions where…

Diabetes Educator Program
COURSE INTRODUCTION Diabetes Educator Course, based on the 2020 Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines, is designed to provide you with the opportunity to enhance your knowledge, learn the basic knowledge of diabetes, explore the complexities of diabetes management and advance the practice of a health professional or non-health professional to…

Food Handler Training
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES This course is designed to provide a complete understanding of food handling. Designed for students and professionals who want to build or increase their skills in Food handler. The concept of foodborne illness will be introduced. The training will address personal hygiene, contamination, and temperature…

Project Management
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES This course is a comprehensive introduction to development project management. Designed for students and professionals who want to build or increase their skills in project management and are looking to work with international development organizations. This course will teach you the most important concepts in…

Early Childhood Care
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES The Early Childcare Education Certificate Program provides students the necessary skills and knowledge to work with young children and their families in diverse settings. Our program uses a play-based approach, with a focus on positive assets and strength-based perspectives. Hands-on practice tools are designed to…

Introduction to Cybersecurity
COURSE PURPOSES, DESCRIPTION, AND PREREQUISITES This course is designed to provide students an introduction to cybersecurity and understanding its basic concepts. The course includes cybersecurity fundamentals, threat actors attacks, mitigation, security policies and procedures, secure architecture, network security controls, security testing, risk and incident management, business continuity, malware protection and…