- Duration: 40 hours
This course is designed to provide a complete understanding of food handling. Designed for students and professionals who want to build or increase their skills in Food handler. The concept of foodborne illness will be introduced. The training will address personal hygiene, contamination, and temperature control to reinforce the food handler’s behaviors, which can prevent food borne illness.
A. Content Goals
- The goal of this program is to provide you with a basic understanding of food safety. This will assist your manager, who is responsible for ensuring that you prepare and serve food safely.
- The food handler will know to call the person in charge at the food service facility when ill with diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, or fever with sore throat.
- The food handler will know not to work in the food service facility while ill with these symptoms.
- The food handler will know to not work in food service for 24 hours after symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting have gone.
- The food handler will know not to handle food with an infected boil, cut, burn, or sore on the hand or wrist. Food may be handled if the injury is covered with a clean bandage and a latex-free glove.
- The food handler will be able to identify the correct technique for hand-washing.
Module 1. Food Handler Training (4hrs.)
Module 2. Prevent the Spread of Disease (4hrs.)
Module 3. Employee Practices (8hrs.)
Module 4. What Makes People Sick from Food? (4hrs.)
Module 5. Working with food safely (4hrs.)
Module 6. Food Temperatures (4hrs.)
Module 7. Safe Storage Practices (4hrs.)
Module 8. A Clean Workplace is Harmless (4hrs.)
Module 9. Working with food safely (4hrs.)